"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." ~Rajneesh
This quote terrifies and excites me. This will be a whole new life for me, somewhere I've never been before and I may absolutely fail at this, or I might not do too much harm. I think of how I treated my mother, and now, that's me! I am the one my kids will scream at when I don't buy the "right toy", or when I make them do chores before they play. I am now the villain that they will despise, and I am the one they will look to for protection and unconditional love even after they have just done something unthinkable. How did my mother do it? How do all mothers do it? I guess I'm about to find out.
"Mothers are fonder than fathers of their children because they are more certain they are their own." ~Aristotle
Touche Aristotle! But a good father loves a child regardless if it is his own or not.
"Sweater, n.: garment worn by child when its mother is feeling chilly." ~Ambrose Bierce
Funny because it's true! I know I'll be the mom throwing a coat at my child when it's 70 degrees outside.."just in case."
I know I will take this back by the end of October, but I think being pregnant for 9 months is a blessing! Could you imagine finding out you're pregnant and then giving birth 3 months later? But, what if instead of 3 months, you knew you would be dealing with the pain of pregnancy for a year? God is a very smart, compassionate man! I think He knows that 9 months is just what a mother needs to prepare mentally,physically, and spiritually for a child. I know for me I feel so unprepared right now, so much so that it's almost too comforting to imagine that I'm not pregnant yet! But when I think about how long I have to prepare, I feel more relaxed. Maybe pregnancy is a little like the world, a preparatory state for us. A place for us to grow and learn about what is coming next for us. So, for me, I am extremely thankful that God has given me this time to prepare myself for the large responsibility ahead of me, one I thought I would never be ready for.