Monday, November 8, 2010

On the of[FENCE]ive.

Once again, I am letting you know that this may offend you, so if you don't like getting worked up over subjects, I suggest you exit my blog now.

That being said, I am calling into question those of my religion (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints..or "Mormons") on the subject of obedience to their leaders. I have been reading "The Miracle of Forgiveness" by President Spencer W. Kimball, and it has led me to some questioning of "us" as a whole.
The way Pres. Kimball speaks in his book is very straightforward and doesn't cushion the blows to those who are sinning. He makes it clear how serious sins are, and even helps clarify the difference between sins of commission (doing) and sins of omission (not doing). I received this book from a Bishop a few years ago, obviously because I was in desperate need of some help an guidance in understanding my sins, but because I found the book to be too harsh at the time I set it aside. I wasn't ready to hear how I was doing wrong, and what I needed to do to fix it. I wanted to reason away why it wasn't "that bad" and I thought the book was extreme. Sadly, I could have seriously benefited from hearing the things back then that I am hearing now.

So I am know at a point as I am reading this book that I am ashamed of my mistakes and sins, but also very aware of how many others are in the place I once was. Please understand that I am NOT judging, I am not a person who will ever be able to judge anyone on mistakes they have made....I have probably done 100x's worse. But I am concerned and heart broken over those who are rejecting the teachings of our leaders, the way I had. I think because I now understand just how serious each sin is, and how far we all have to go to become "perfect", I am dieing inside for those who still do not understand this and who are allowing Satan to whisper in their ears that casual sins won't keep them from celestial glory. I listened to Satan for too long, and I've seen where those baby steps lead, I've been there. Obviously not all will end up where I was, but the point Pres. Kimball makes is that, if it can lead to it, why take the first step? In the temple we make covenants, and some of them I think we kind of push aside and think nothing much of them, simply because we think "oh, come on, what's the harm in that?" But remember, it was Joseph Smith who felt bad and repented because of his "lightheartedness" and keeping company with a jovial crowd as a young boy. I wonder, why is it that he felt wrong for this? Now I know, we are told not to act in this way, and I think too many people brush it off. Believe me, I am at fault for acting this way, I like to have a good time and will sometimes joke inappropriately, but that doesn't make me feel better knowing that "everyone else is doing it".

I remember Prophet Hinkley asking us to refrain from getting more than one pair of earrings on one ear, to not get tattoos and such. But I thought it was only a suggestion, and as long as I wasn't "too extreme" then I was still "ok". I believe that is how many members of our faith think, that sometimes things are only "suggestions" and we are still fine to do or not do to a certain extent. We are all wrong, because whether it be by the Lord or his servants, it's all the same thing. If I heard the Lord say those things that we hear at conference, I'm sure I would try a heck of a lot harder to listen and obey, because, duh, Heavenly Father literally just said it. Sadly, truly He is speaking to us, those ARE his words, but because we are looking at a face of a mortal man, I think we don't listen as intently as we should. 

My plea is simple- obey. Obey for your own safety, obey for the safety of your children and families, obey because you love the Lord, obey because non-members are gathering their information about our church from YOU. Obey, obey, obey. I think it shows the kind of people we are when we will go to church, teach our lessons, go to the temple, yet we will wear bikinis swimming, we will curse, and we will watch movies that allow filth into our minds and homes. I find it incongruent with what we are taught. How can we teach our fellow brothers and sisters to do what is right when they do not have a solid example to follow! If we let ourselves be slack on "one or two" things that we are ask/told/commanded not to do, we are telling those around us, including our children, that it doesn't matter, and that it's "ok" to not do the "little things" because we still do the "big things".  But I know that it is the "little things" that truly show Heavenly Father the kind of person we are.

I hope we all start to listen a little more closely to what is asked of us. To go above and beyond what we normally do. I pray that you all become the example you were meant to be. 

Think of the change we could create in this world simply by following the commandments we have already been given. Do not let Satan win.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Kaylee: How could people not read that. What insight from someone so young. You have grown and even though you still feel like you have a ways to go you have come so far!! I love you and am so proud to call you my niece. Keep on the path and re read that every time you feel like you are slipping. Love Ya Auntie