Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Thursday morning Brayden and I left for Anza, California, but the trip started out pretty bad for me. All that pressure changing and turbulence on the plane made me sick the whole time. Then after Brayden's amazing mom and step-dad came to pick us up, we had to drive through some windy roads up a mountain, which left me even more naseated. BUT, the scenery was gorgeous! So worst of the trip was the driving (which we had to do to get anywhere) and the planes, other than that it was pretty fun.

We visited a little mountain town about 20 minutes away called Idyllwild, which is now my favorite place. It was so green and beautiful up there! It looks like quite a small town because every house is hidden behind so many trees, but it actually has about 1,000 more people than Ephrata does. Brayden and his dad Nick took me to the local look-out point up there, it was so amazing! I was terrified because you drive up to the edge of this mountain, but it wasn't too bad. They hiked down a little, but I stayed up where it was safe =]. It was so pretty though, all around was gorgeous mountains, and off in the distance you could see all these huge towns, and even the ocean. I loved it!

I had a good time, especially since I was finally able to meet most of my in-laws! I think they liked me, and I really loved them!! They already bought so many baby clothes for me, and Brayden's mom even bought me a few outfits from Motherhood. I felt like I was being spoiled, but I loved it! haha.

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